2:18 耶和华 神说:“那人独居不好,我要为他造一个配偶帮助他。”
2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
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2:18 耶和华 神说:“那人独居不好,我要为他造一个配偶帮助他。”
2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
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1:1 所罗门的歌,是歌中的雅歌。【新妇羡慕爱情并遇新郎佳偶:】
1:1 Solomon's Song of Songs. (Beloved)
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3:1 摩西牧养他岳父米甸祭司叶忒罗的羊群。一日领羊群往野外去,到了 神的山,就是何烈山。
3:1 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.
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2:4 孩子的姐姐远远站着,要知道他究竟怎么样。
2:4 His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him.
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90:12 求你指教我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心。
90:12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
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90:1 主啊!你世世代代作我们的居所。
90:1 ( A prayer of Moses the man of God. ) Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.
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33:18 摩西说:“求你显出你的荣耀给我看。”
33:18 Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory."
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11:9 耶和华对摩西说:“法老必不听你们,使我的奇事在埃及地多起来。”
11:9 The LORD had said to Moses, "Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you-so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt."
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3:4 耶和华 神见他过去要看,就从荆棘里呼叫说:“摩西!摩西!”他说:“我在这里。”
3:4 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses!" And Moses said, "Here I am."
Views: 99
2:1 有一个利未家的人,娶了一个利未女子为妻。
2:1 Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman,
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10:22 耶和华所赐的福,使人富足,并不加上忧虑。
10:22 The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it.
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28:1 “你若留意听从耶和华你 神的话,谨守遵行他的一切诫命,就是我今日所吩咐你的,他必使你超乎天下万民之上。
28:1 If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.
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49:25 你父亲的 神,必帮助你。那全能者必将天上所有的福,地里所藏的福,以及生产乳养的福,都赐给你。
49:25 because of your father's God, who helps you, because of the Almighty, who blesses you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings of the deep that lies below, blessings of the breast and womb.
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37:1 (大卫的诗。)不要为作恶的心怀不平,也不要向那行不义的生出嫉妒。
37:1 Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong;
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65:1 (大卫的诗歌,交与伶长。) 神啊!锡安的人都等候赞美你;所许的愿,也要向你偿还。
65:1 Praise awaits you, O God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled.
Views: 206
103:1 (大卫的诗。)我的心哪!你要称颂耶和华;凡在我里面的,也要称颂他的圣名。
103:1 Praise the LORD , O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
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21:10 那日大卫起来,躲避扫罗,逃到迦特王亚吉那里。
21:10 That day David fled from Saul and went to Achish king of Gath.
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22:1 大卫就离开那里,逃到亚杜兰洞。他的弟兄和他父亲的全家听见了,就都下到他那里。
22:1 David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. When his brothers and his father's household heard about it, they went down to him there.
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20:38 约拿单又呼叫童子说:“速速地去,不要迟延!”童子就拾起箭来,回到主人那里。
20:38 Then he shouted, "Hurry! Go quickly! Don't stop!" The boy picked up the arrow and returned to his master.
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18:6 大卫打死了那非利士人,同众人回来的时候,妇女们从以色列各城里出来,欢欢喜喜,打鼓击磬,歌唱跳舞,迎接扫罗王。
18:6 When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine, the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with tambourines and lutes.
Views: 15