Jan 112016

3:1 摩西牧养他岳父米甸祭司叶忒罗的羊群。一日领羊群往野外去,到了 神的山,就是何烈山。
3:1 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.

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Views: 58

Jan 112016

11:9 耶和华对摩西说:“法老必不听你们,使我的奇事在埃及地多起来。”
11:9 The LORD had said to Moses, "Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you-so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt."

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Views: 75

Jan 112016

3:4 耶和华 神见他过去要看,就从荆棘里呼叫说:“摩西!摩西!”他说:“我在这里。”
3:4 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses!" And Moses said, "Here I am."

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Views: 99