Feb 212016

2:17 你称为犹太人,又倚靠律法,且指着 神夸口;
2:17 Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God;

2:18 既从律法中受了教训,就晓得 神的旨意,也能分别是非(或作“也喜爱那美好的事”);
2:18 if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law;

2:19 又深信自己是给瞎子领路的,是黑暗中人的光,
2:19 if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark,

2:20 是蠢笨人的师傅,是小孩子的先生,在律法上有知识和真理的模范。
2:20 an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth--

2:21 你既是教导别人,还不教导自己吗?你讲说人不可偷窃,自己还偷窃吗?
2:21 you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal?

2:22 你说人不可奸淫,自己还奸淫吗?你厌恶偶像,自己还偷窃庙中之物吗?
2:22 You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?

2:23 你指着律法夸口,自己倒犯律法,玷辱 神吗?
2:23 You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?

2:24 神的名在外邦人中,因你们受了亵渎,正如经上所记的。
2:24 As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you."

2:25 你若是行律法的,割礼固然于你有益;若是犯律法的,你的割礼就算不得割礼。
2:25 Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised.

2:26 所以那未受割礼的,若遵守律法的条例,他虽然未受割礼,岂不算是有割礼吗?
2:26 If those who are not circumcised keep the law's requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised?

2:27 而且那本来未受割礼的,若能全守律法,岂不是要审判你这有仪文和割礼竟犯律法的人吗?
2:27 The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker.

2:28 因为外面作犹太人的,不是真犹太人;外面肉身的割礼,也不是真割礼。
2:28 A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.

2:29 惟有里面作的,才是真犹太人;真割礼也是心里的,在乎灵,不在乎仪文。这人的称赞,不是从人来的,乃是从 神来的。
2:29 No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God.

前言: 称为犹太人

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